oh. &congrats to tayl for getting into USC-Columbia.
&paisleton for getting into Roosevelt University in Downtown Chicago.
CONGRATS to ALL tha graduates. High school &college.
OH. &a BIGscoop CONGRATS to Harry for landing a PAYING job. lol.
[we need to start that THING i suggested. mase needs is gonna need a walker. &high chair soon!]
last but DEFINITELY not least.
congrats to HoneyBuns for ...well, everything. you're tha shit.
i love you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Nikeface Confesses...DISABLEDppl freak me out.
BLAH. i must admit things are becoming more real for me everyday. i woke up this morning feeling damn good. like it's a brand new motherfucking day for Dani Nikeface. AND i've committed to making major changes in my everyday-atude toward people. I was always one to call someone out. Like if you thought you were tha shit and you walked past me, i'd be like,"...bitch, please. you got that POLO from Marshalls and it's from 2 Springs ago, you simply unfashionable mediocre individual." ---but NOW, i kinda pledged to be a nicer, gentler person. or something of that nature.
but anywho. so with thisnew attitude, i go into tha motherfucking WALMART on Rivers Ave. [norff chuck, if e ain know!]---so i go in this bitch, going to get mason some diapers and shit. milk. oreos [regular. fuck that 'double stuf' bullshit]---&some other shit. to get me through tha week until i stumble onto some more money or get my gotDAMN food stamps. [which i will be selling. 75 for tha 50. hit me up if you trying to shop &eat good, niggas.] ---anywho. know how they either got tha fucking old ass motherfuckers as the greeters or tha ppl in tha damn wheelchairs who got tha motherfucking audacity to check my gotDAMN receipt when i leave. like "...bitch, if i was stealing from tha motherfucking WALMART niggas, an old ass great grandma and a motherfucker with MS is a 5mph electric scooter is NOT gonna catch my YOUNG, able bodied ASS!" wdf? anyway. i'm leaving tha store like..."aight, i'm done" &shit.
&this bitch ass disabled person was like "aight, can i see your receipt." i'm like, "i'on got one...these are WIC items." this bitch nigga gon' RADIO somebody. &he was one of those disabled people tha bib and tha crusty ass mouth, [i know i shouldn't be talking shit. but FUCK, he pissed me OFF. &freaked me out.] he's like, "ma'am. i need you to step aside and wait on LOSS prevention to check your bag." i'm like...yo! this lil' wheelchair nigga is FREAKING me out. tha time that i DON'T take some fucking candy or a lil'bottle of juice from tha fucking WALMART a disabled greeter wants to gotDAMN lock me up. ---he really scared me. so i'm thinking i can't even make a fucking scene, cuz this nigga is disabled. yall know how i am, i'll be ready to show my blackASSness when i feel disrespected, but i woke up with a new attitude and good news so...i was thinking how would tha new Dani Nikeface approach this situation...
solution: i kept walking like this disabled ass wasn't talking to me. i look at him like he was a toddler and didn't know what he was talking about. i know i didn't steal anything. how tha fuck yall gon let me walk out with a box of 96 size 3 PAMPERS flexdry diapers. yall some dumb niggas if yall A) thought i would steal 'em like that. i'd just take ALL of 'em out tha box &put 'em in my NIFTY ass nikebag. &B) thought yall would catch me if i was shoplifting! gaaah. walmart & disabled thugs are an outrage. i'm going to target from now on.
but anywho. so with thisnew attitude, i go into tha motherfucking WALMART on Rivers Ave. [norff chuck, if e ain know!]---so i go in this bitch, going to get mason some diapers and shit. milk. oreos [regular. fuck that 'double stuf' bullshit]---&some other shit. to get me through tha week until i stumble onto some more money or get my gotDAMN food stamps. [which i will be selling. 75 for tha 50. hit me up if you trying to shop &eat good, niggas.] ---anywho. know how they either got tha fucking old ass motherfuckers as the greeters or tha ppl in tha damn wheelchairs who got tha motherfucking audacity to check my gotDAMN receipt when i leave. like "...bitch, if i was stealing from tha motherfucking WALMART niggas, an old ass great grandma and a motherfucker with MS is a 5mph electric scooter is NOT gonna catch my YOUNG, able bodied ASS!" wdf? anyway. i'm leaving tha store like..."aight, i'm done" &shit.
&this bitch ass disabled person was like "aight, can i see your receipt." i'm like, "i'on got one...these are WIC items." this bitch nigga gon' RADIO somebody. &he was one of those disabled people tha bib and tha crusty ass mouth, [i know i shouldn't be talking shit. but FUCK, he pissed me OFF. &freaked me out.] he's like, "ma'am. i need you to step aside and wait on LOSS prevention to check your bag." i'm like...yo! this lil' wheelchair nigga is FREAKING me out. tha time that i DON'T take some fucking candy or a lil'bottle of juice from tha fucking WALMART a disabled greeter wants to gotDAMN lock me up. ---he really scared me. so i'm thinking i can't even make a fucking scene, cuz this nigga is disabled. yall know how i am, i'll be ready to show my blackASSness when i feel disrespected, but i woke up with a new attitude and good news so...i was thinking how would tha new Dani Nikeface approach this situation...
solution: i kept walking like this disabled ass wasn't talking to me. i look at him like he was a toddler and didn't know what he was talking about. i know i didn't steal anything. how tha fuck yall gon let me walk out with a box of 96 size 3 PAMPERS flexdry diapers. yall some dumb niggas if yall A) thought i would steal 'em like that. i'd just take ALL of 'em out tha box &put 'em in my NIFTY ass nikebag. &B) thought yall would catch me if i was shoplifting! gaaah. walmart & disabled thugs are an outrage. i'm going to target from now on.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
you are my ROC ...
I absolutely love this song. Not only for the lyrics, but the way Leah "rocs" this shit. I fucks with it tha long way. She's got that voice I wish I had. She's Keri Hilson's "mini-her" lol. or whatever. But i really DIG, this song and this singer. you guys should go ahead and subscribe to her YOUTUBE channel. and check out her blogspot too...gotta LOVE that Leah LaBelle ....
Monday, April 20, 2009
TWERK TEAM ...dancing to Mason's SONG!
soo, i fuck with these bitches! they really be twerkin' they asses COMPLETELY out tha socket! gotta love 'em . ay, LOE, you be swaggn and surfn, eh, bruh? you can't touch these hoes. lol.
these DC niggas...
also check out "Escalator" by Tabi Bonney.
i can fuck w/ dude. gotta love these DC niggas.
----ol' nikeBOOTs wearing ass niggas.
shouts to sen [bmore niggas &their red condoms!] LOL. inside'er!
so, today's 4/20 . [or yesterday's 1:24am]
this day is significant to me in several ways. &i just thought i'd share with you, guys.
#1-ganja day. from tha sunny halls of buist academy to tha smoked out bathrooms of tha Georgia State University Commons, this day has always been tha day of the smoker. &but i suppose i've started a new tradition and that is NOT smoking. ---today. starting today, i am no longer your ganja empress. ---i'm sober suzzy. so suck on that JOB RECRUITERS and probation officers. i PASS!
#2-it's been a year today, that i lost my beloved lexus es300. Luna. She was a bad bitch, i fought for her tooth and nail and treated her like i birthed her myself. on this day, a year ago, i got into a fucked up ass accident and tha right front axel of my car was broken and my front driver side door was badly damaged. I cried my eyes out for i KNEW that i would NEVER see her again. I would never get her back. and of course, i was right. though she got repaired and the mechanic got paid his $1500. ---an unplanned series of events made the mechanic either upset or overly idiotic and he ended up selling it. so there's someone driving around in my LUNA. my lovely LUNA. &just to let you know, it's now considered stolen property. The mechanic is going to be sued and arrested for taking my parents' money and selling the vehicle without their or my knowledge. hopefully, i'll get the value of the vehicle, if not tha vehicle itself, and the money my parents paid to get it repaired. oh, ¬e to whomever bought it. you're now in possession of stolen property and you TOO can be jailed. haha.
#3-today would've been the 1yr anniversary of ....well, if you don't know then you don't need to know. to be with someone for an extended period of time is a commitment of grandeur. and BOTH parties must be able to withstand and uphold through the test of time. to me, it's not a rare feat for me to accomplish, being with someone for a year, but nevertheless, this day i kinda feel that i've failed, because we aren't together. of my OWN decision, we aren't. ---i KNOW exactly what i want out of a relationship and i'm at a point in my life where i'm tired of trying to build, mold or create the kind of man, i want to spend years of my life with. i don't want to date the man that "can be", i want tha man that "is" we can go on and start living happily ever after.
so it seems in the wee hours of the morning, i have had some sort of epiphany and have made some new changes in my life. so ONWARD with change and growth. I'm letting go of what was, and encouraging EVERYTHING that can be. i'm proud to say that i'm actually learning from my mistakes. i'm trying to correct them. it's just going to take time. LOTS of time. Nothing happens overnight...and "everything happens for a reason, babygirl." ---you'll always be in heart. you should call me sometime...[ss].
ANYWHO i hope everyone enjoyed their 4/20, whether they celebrated for the well-known reason or just because you're happy to be alive another day. Keep your head up and mind open cause who tha fuck knows what's in store for us.
this day is significant to me in several ways. &i just thought i'd share with you, guys.
#1-ganja day. from tha sunny halls of buist academy to tha smoked out bathrooms of tha Georgia State University Commons, this day has always been tha day of the smoker. &but i suppose i've started a new tradition and that is NOT smoking. ---today. starting today, i am no longer your ganja empress. ---i'm sober suzzy. so suck on that JOB RECRUITERS and probation officers. i PASS!
#2-it's been a year today, that i lost my beloved lexus es300. Luna. She was a bad bitch, i fought for her tooth and nail and treated her like i birthed her myself. on this day, a year ago, i got into a fucked up ass accident and tha right front axel of my car was broken and my front driver side door was badly damaged. I cried my eyes out for i KNEW that i would NEVER see her again. I would never get her back. and of course, i was right. though she got repaired and the mechanic got paid his $1500. ---an unplanned series of events made the mechanic either upset or overly idiotic and he ended up selling it. so there's someone driving around in my LUNA. my lovely LUNA. &just to let you know, it's now considered stolen property. The mechanic is going to be sued and arrested for taking my parents' money and selling the vehicle without their or my knowledge. hopefully, i'll get the value of the vehicle, if not tha vehicle itself, and the money my parents paid to get it repaired. oh, ¬e to whomever bought it. you're now in possession of stolen property and you TOO can be jailed. haha.
#3-today would've been the 1yr anniversary of ....well, if you don't know then you don't need to know. to be with someone for an extended period of time is a commitment of grandeur. and BOTH parties must be able to withstand and uphold through the test of time. to me, it's not a rare feat for me to accomplish, being with someone for a year, but nevertheless, this day i kinda feel that i've failed, because we aren't together. of my OWN decision, we aren't. ---i KNOW exactly what i want out of a relationship and i'm at a point in my life where i'm tired of trying to build, mold or create the kind of man, i want to spend years of my life with. i don't want to date the man that "can be", i want tha man that "is" we can go on and start living happily ever after.
so it seems in the wee hours of the morning, i have had some sort of epiphany and have made some new changes in my life. so ONWARD with change and growth. I'm letting go of what was, and encouraging EVERYTHING that can be. i'm proud to say that i'm actually learning from my mistakes. i'm trying to correct them. it's just going to take time. LOTS of time. Nothing happens overnight...and "everything happens for a reason, babygirl." ---you'll always be in heart. you should call me sometime...[ss].
ANYWHO i hope everyone enjoyed their 4/20, whether they celebrated for the well-known reason or just because you're happy to be alive another day. Keep your head up and mind open cause who tha fuck knows what's in store for us.
OH lawwwdyyyy...
for those of you that don't pray. START. ---it doesn't have to be to God, Jesus, Allah, etc. Everyone has faith in SOMETHING. you can claim to be whatever tha fuck, but EVERYBODY believes in SOMETHING. unless you're clinically insane, like this one woman i know... who believes whatever she can dream up. sad, really. ---but anywho...
yeah, so i haven't been on this thing in a minute because my internet access is rather limited to say tha least. my current living situation has caused me to take a step back and concentrate on what's REALLY important. &that's getting MYSELF together. or at least, making a mindful and VERY conscience effort to go so, with minimal to NO assistance. doing what i gotta to get where i wanna... be. or some shit like that. ummm, let's see, so i did my lil'MAXIM shoot for the Hometown Hotties contest and i HATE the pictures. i ABSOLUTELY HATE them! i think my first photographer in ATLANTA, spoiled me...&now i'm used to tha good shit and now, that i get this second rate shit, i'm PISSED. i'm not submitting this shit to no GOTdamned MAXIM. fuck no! i gotta be confident in my shit. i MEAN...i look good, but shit...some shit REALLY needs to be airbrushed that FUCK out. like tha hole where my monroe mole used to be. just little shit like that. but anywho...i'll find somebody to fix that shit...OR i'll just save tha pictures and get 'em re-edited and print 'em for my portfolio. [i'm so wishy washy when it comes to this modeling shit. sometimes, i wanna do it. other times, it's less than a hobby.]
but umm, ---that's what tha fuck i've been doing. i'm looking for a car, if anyone knows anyone who's selling. YES. i've been on craigslist. YES. i've looked in tha paper. NO. i haven't been to a used car place and NO. i haven't been to the auction. GAAAH! ---i know i was supposed to start making videos and shit for this site, but like i said got sidetracked by life and shit.
---hence why i no longer have a FACEBOOK. sorry, i've gotten rather "threatenering letteras" from some friends [bb. cl.] urging me to return to facebook. but i'll do that when i have something to share. &right now, my life's pretty mundane so visiting my page numerous times a day to catch on my life happenings becomes kinda pointless and boring! I'll come back when i have something to entertain you fools with. lol.
so, once again. sorry for not being available. but shit. a nigga is soul searching...or job hunting w/e tha fuck you wanna call it. lol.
pce. bitches.
yeah, so i haven't been on this thing in a minute because my internet access is rather limited to say tha least. my current living situation has caused me to take a step back and concentrate on what's REALLY important. &that's getting MYSELF together. or at least, making a mindful and VERY conscience effort to go so, with minimal to NO assistance. doing what i gotta to get where i wanna... be. or some shit like that. ummm, let's see, so i did my lil'MAXIM shoot for the Hometown Hotties contest and i HATE the pictures. i ABSOLUTELY HATE them! i think my first photographer in ATLANTA, spoiled me...&now i'm used to tha good shit and now, that i get this second rate shit, i'm PISSED. i'm not submitting this shit to no GOTdamned MAXIM. fuck no! i gotta be confident in my shit. i MEAN...i look good, but shit...some shit REALLY needs to be airbrushed that FUCK out. like tha hole where my monroe mole used to be. just little shit like that. but anywho...i'll find somebody to fix that shit...OR i'll just save tha pictures and get 'em re-edited and print 'em for my portfolio. [i'm so wishy washy when it comes to this modeling shit. sometimes, i wanna do it. other times, it's less than a hobby.]
but umm, ---that's what tha fuck i've been doing. i'm looking for a car, if anyone knows anyone who's selling. YES. i've been on craigslist. YES. i've looked in tha paper. NO. i haven't been to a used car place and NO. i haven't been to the auction. GAAAH! ---i know i was supposed to start making videos and shit for this site, but like i said got sidetracked by life and shit.
---hence why i no longer have a FACEBOOK. sorry, i've gotten rather "threatenering letteras" from some friends [bb. cl.] urging me to return to facebook. but i'll do that when i have something to share. &right now, my life's pretty mundane so visiting my page numerous times a day to catch on my life happenings becomes kinda pointless and boring! I'll come back when i have something to entertain you fools with. lol.
so, once again. sorry for not being available. but shit. a nigga is soul searching...or job hunting w/e tha fuck you wanna call it. lol.
pce. bitches.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 like a nigga & you can fuck her? ...shiiit, why NOT?

so, once again i must admit to unfaltering appeasement to reality TV. "For the Love of Ray J," has become one of my favorites. Not because of Ray J. He was never really appealing to me, physically or musically...but because some of the girls, i'd DATE my DAMNself and some of 'em i would kick to tha curb. i suppose it's oddly similar to sports tournaments; trying to predict who will survive each week and who is suitable for the BIG W. ---On this show, since day one, i was fucking with Chardonnay from ATL and crazy ass Danger. I depised Unique because i have a thing against FATppl and her hair is TERRIBLY annoying. like it's not an afro, but it stands on edge, it's blonde and matches her skin. UGH! Disgusting..but anyway...back to my girl Ms. CHARDONNAY. I fucked with her because she reminded me a lot of myself, in more ways than one. Our similarities have brought me to question the male species ONCE AGAIN!
Ray J eliminated her because she was "too cool;" she was "too much like a homie." but i'm thinking why wouldn't you want a girl like that? i've gotten that SO many times. if you take the less physical route and actually get to know someone before you have sex with them [which i think is as equally important as common interests and compatible personalities] ---it seems that if you are "too cool;" that he can't make that commitment to take things to tha next level. i think that would be the IDEAL partner. A girl that you can kick it with, without stress and drama; take her around your homeboys and she can just shoot tha shit with ALL of you; party, drink, smoke, she's down for WHATEVER without much complaint ANNNNNND you can FUCK her ...nigga, why tha fuck NOT? ---i mean i'm not tha baddest bitch on tha block but damnit, i'm not a BUCKET. [bucket; noun- an ugly female who may have other attractive physical qualities that do not include her face and she would be more appealing if she had a BUCKET over her head.] I'm not exactly LOW maintanence but i'm easily satisfied and entertained. I'm knowledgable about a lot of things so conversation wouldn't be difficult on MY end ...Fellas, tell me something. Let me KNOW something. WHY would you not want a chick like that? is it something personal?
solution: if it's something personal, then let a BITCH know, nigga. I could be doing something else.
shouts to CHARDONNAY.
My Apologies...
yeah. so my bad about not updating this thing like i should. i blame it on a combination of my recently hectic life and necessary preparations for some MAJOR MOVES. sometimes i don't have time to sit and write like i'd like. i've got a family now, so ---ya know? priorities & shit.

+plus i haven't really had anything to devulge or share. but thanks to EVERYBODY that stops by and take the time out to read along with my life happenings and overall way of thinking. THANKS.

+plus i haven't really had anything to devulge or share. but thanks to EVERYBODY that stops by and take the time out to read along with my life happenings and overall way of thinking. THANKS.
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