Hey, everybody!
---surprisingly i've received several emails from readers to my personal email account, [which is apparently public knowledge. :/] but anywho..i received emails from some readers commenting on how much they enjoy my blog and how entertaining it really is...
&TODAY, a friend of mine suggested that i give you guys a way to suggest topics for me to blog about or ask my opinions on certain situations, music, artists, news WHATEV... sounds like a GREAT idea to MEEE! :)
you guys can hit me up at:
[YES, i'm a Gmail-er now! eff Y!...lol. jking.] ---send your questions, comments, mixtapes, sneaker reviews, fashion DO's &DON'Ts [with a pretty little pic too, if you want] ...and you'll be featured on my BLOG. how exciting! lol. at least for me... :)
looking forward to hearing from yous guys!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
REAL niggas don't fake tha DEAL... word.
i just want to clarify a few things for a couple fake niggas out there that thought i gave shit about what they really think about me, as a person, my sexual history or whatever else. Firstly, i know i'm a pretty ass motherfucker. i got swag out tha ass and i'm not a dumb bitch so i can hold a conversation about practically anything. i just want to acknowledge tha real niggas out there that have fucked with me, primarily because of my cool ass personality. ---i've been thru some real ass shit in my life and it has contributed to tha way i approach life and tha people in it. some people can handle real shit. some people can't. some people think they have to trick and manipulate just so that people will perceive them as this certain persona. some people are confident in themselves enough to let people know tha REAL them. that's tha people i like to keep in my circle.
i have come across SEVERAL motherfuckers in tha past couple of years that i have outwardly called my friends but never got too close to them. i may have partied, drank, discuss some personal situations with them, but they were NOT my friends. i can honestly say that there may only be about 3 ppl outside of my family that know my entire life story. i'm an open person, so many people may know bits and pieces of certain situations in my life, but that's what ppl do when they express empathy towards one another.
i'm not gonna lie. i've fucked up and let some roaches and rats in my circle and i've also lost touch with some of the most genuinely beautiful people i've ever met in my life. some i've had that opportunity to reconcile with and others i just let alone because you have to know when a person's time is up in your life. i'm still learning how to read ppl and know who i need to keep at a Dwight Howard's armlength.
Tha shit i hate tha most are tha niggas that walk around here, huffing and puffing like niggas give a shit about them. tha nigga with tha loudest bark, is tha BITCH out tha group. tha nigga walking around trying to fuck all tha girls, tha nigga that parties every night and tries to flash money around like he "got it," that's tha nigga that's really battling within himself. that's tha motherfucker who REALLY needs to go somewhere and find out what his purpose is in life. he is AFRAID. he is SCARED. he is afraid of failure, rejection, acception and love. he's just walking around trying to create a fascade of someone that he believes is better that who is REALLY is. and a person who thinks material things and money are more important than love and family is a fucking idiot. a person who believes that fucking a different girl every night and getting drunk and spending money frivolously is a man of sadness and depression.
i fuck with tha nigga that works hard. i fucks with tha nigga that takes care of his responsibilities even if that means he can't go out and club or buy need clothes and shoes for a month. or 6 months or even a year or so. a nigga that can differentiate between necessity and desire. a nigga who has confident in his abilities when NO ONE else does. a nigga who doesn't base his life on tha actions of tha next man. a nigga with some goals and accomplishments. a REAL ass nigga. a nigga who'll let you know that he don't have money for that shit. a nigga who'll appreciate a good conversation about REAL music or current events. a nigga who isn't embarassed or ashamed by his past relationships or experiences, but uses them as lessons learned and doesn't mind sharing them with another real nigga. ---it's sad that a nigga will pretend to be real until REALNESS hits his motherfucking ass in tha face then he curls up like a bitch and hides behind tha fascade that incapacitated him for all these years.
i consider myself a REAL nigga. becuz i am just want i described. in no way shape or form am i suggesting that i am a perfect human being, because there is no such thing. i'm not saying that i don't make mistakes. i'm not saying that i don't have things going in my life that people may judge me for. but i am CONFIDENTLY saying that i try my best to be as honest about things as possible. if a nigga need to talk, usually i'm there. i maintain who i am, to tha best of my abilities and adapt to certain situations and circumstances. i am who i am. i've changed my view and perpective over the years, because i've grown older, experienced more things and gained more wisdom... so if i were to redo some stages of my life with tha knowledge that i have now, then i would definitely do somethings a bit differently. but i don't harp on what has already happened. i can't change what is already done and i can't control tha actions of others.
but i just wanted to let yall REAL niggas out there know, that i appreciate yall. and if yall can't find a bitch that does, we can roll and clown all tha fake bitches. cuz they know who they are and they envy us. they will never be us, unless they learn to embrace themselves flaws and all and are willing to let others in. ---i fuck witchu...
i have come across SEVERAL motherfuckers in tha past couple of years that i have outwardly called my friends but never got too close to them. i may have partied, drank, discuss some personal situations with them, but they were NOT my friends. i can honestly say that there may only be about 3 ppl outside of my family that know my entire life story. i'm an open person, so many people may know bits and pieces of certain situations in my life, but that's what ppl do when they express empathy towards one another.
i'm not gonna lie. i've fucked up and let some roaches and rats in my circle and i've also lost touch with some of the most genuinely beautiful people i've ever met in my life. some i've had that opportunity to reconcile with and others i just let alone because you have to know when a person's time is up in your life. i'm still learning how to read ppl and know who i need to keep at a Dwight Howard's armlength.
Tha shit i hate tha most are tha niggas that walk around here, huffing and puffing like niggas give a shit about them. tha nigga with tha loudest bark, is tha BITCH out tha group. tha nigga walking around trying to fuck all tha girls, tha nigga that parties every night and tries to flash money around like he "got it," that's tha nigga that's really battling within himself. that's tha motherfucker who REALLY needs to go somewhere and find out what his purpose is in life. he is AFRAID. he is SCARED. he is afraid of failure, rejection, acception and love. he's just walking around trying to create a fascade of someone that he believes is better that who is REALLY is. and a person who thinks material things and money are more important than love and family is a fucking idiot. a person who believes that fucking a different girl every night and getting drunk and spending money frivolously is a man of sadness and depression.
i fuck with tha nigga that works hard. i fucks with tha nigga that takes care of his responsibilities even if that means he can't go out and club or buy need clothes and shoes for a month. or 6 months or even a year or so. a nigga that can differentiate between necessity and desire. a nigga who has confident in his abilities when NO ONE else does. a nigga who doesn't base his life on tha actions of tha next man. a nigga with some goals and accomplishments. a REAL ass nigga. a nigga who'll let you know that he don't have money for that shit. a nigga who'll appreciate a good conversation about REAL music or current events. a nigga who isn't embarassed or ashamed by his past relationships or experiences, but uses them as lessons learned and doesn't mind sharing them with another real nigga. ---it's sad that a nigga will pretend to be real until REALNESS hits his motherfucking ass in tha face then he curls up like a bitch and hides behind tha fascade that incapacitated him for all these years.
i consider myself a REAL nigga. becuz i am just want i described. in no way shape or form am i suggesting that i am a perfect human being, because there is no such thing. i'm not saying that i don't make mistakes. i'm not saying that i don't have things going in my life that people may judge me for. but i am CONFIDENTLY saying that i try my best to be as honest about things as possible. if a nigga need to talk, usually i'm there. i maintain who i am, to tha best of my abilities and adapt to certain situations and circumstances. i am who i am. i've changed my view and perpective over the years, because i've grown older, experienced more things and gained more wisdom... so if i were to redo some stages of my life with tha knowledge that i have now, then i would definitely do somethings a bit differently. but i don't harp on what has already happened. i can't change what is already done and i can't control tha actions of others.
but i just wanted to let yall REAL niggas out there know, that i appreciate yall. and if yall can't find a bitch that does, we can roll and clown all tha fake bitches. cuz they know who they are and they envy us. they will never be us, unless they learn to embrace themselves flaws and all and are willing to let others in. ---i fuck witchu...
Monday, June 22, 2009
PLAY. YOUR. ROLE. shiiiiiiit...
i dunno if this shit be bothering yall, or if i'm just so fucking hypersensitive that i just get this vibe from almost everyone that comes to me with their problems. It seems to be a fucking PANDEMIC... niggas need to play their damn ROLES. don't try to save a hoe, when you're tha "fuck buddy." don't be trying to act all nonchalant, when you're tha "live-in boyfriend." UGH!
this shit is REALLY beginnning to piss me tha fuck off. There are a few DISTINCTIVE roles when interacting with a member of tha opposite sex [non-related.] There's significant other [gf, or bf.], fuck friend [only purposes are mild conversation and intense sexual intercourse, as seldom or as often as the RANGleader would like. usually tha girl..] friend, [it is EXACTLY that. a FRIENDship. nothing MORE. and NEVER anything LESS.], and stuckfriend [a general term, i use to describe tha horrid BM/BD relationship]...&tha OTHER woman/man [you already know.]
I'll explain EXACTLY what you should be doing if you ever find yourself in any of tha aforementioned categories and highlight how yall be FUCKING upppppp! [of course, this is from a female's point of view, but i'm sure some niggas gonna be able to feel me...cuz this shit is REAL!]
Significant Other- You're supposed to be THE best friend. there should be trust and respect from both people with an uncanny amount of understanding for each other's strengths, weaknesses and personality.
.....FUCK UP: when there's an argument or disagreement. niggas [not specifically males, just niggas meaning ppl..] like to act like they don't care. they want to act nonchalant and try to see who'll cave first. like, nigga. c'mon. if i'm supposed to be your girl/nigga then shit, we should be able to have a discussion and share opinions without motherfucking playing that 'tit for tat' bullshit. GROW UP! like, seriously. OR...yall cheat. start fucking other bitches like yall were just "fuck friends" not "significant others." ---idiots! play YOUR FUCKING ROLE, nigga. shit.
Fuck Friend - Firstly, EVERYONE needs to have at least one of these in their lifetime in order to get your freakiness together for whomever you end up being with. See, your fuck friend is there for you to just LET LOOSE sexually. you don't have to worry about obligations, appearances, responsibilites or commitments. [but i STRONGLY advise you to have an understanding with this friend that, yall gotta communicate about sexual history and other partners cuz we don't want nothing flaring up and shit. LITERALLY.] but after that's taken care of...it's SMOOTH sailing! until this nigga wanna... FUCK UP: when either party catches FEELINGS and starts trying to act like a significant other. like you got some kinda obligations to them. nigga, when i call, all i'm trying to do is fuck. i'm not trying to got damn, cuddle or talk about weather and shit. some bitches need to warm up and shit, but when i call, i'm ALREADY horny, so i don't need to have a conversation. shit! but yall wanna go to tha movies, or get mad when i find somebody that i wanna potential date or some shit. FUCK. PLAY YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ROLE, NIGGGGGA. SHIIIIIIIITTTTT!
Friend - Lots of ppl firmly believe that women and men can't be friends. but shit, one of my BEST FRIENDS FOR FUCKING LIFE is a guy and i wouldn't change that for tha ENTIRE WORLD. ever! ---friends are there to comfort and advise. converse, chill, party, laugh, cry...devulge, create, disagree, discuss and love. Friendship is the most beautiful thing in tha entire world, it's right up there, with childbirth and faith and i would never trade any of my TRUE friendships for anything. i only have a few...and they haven't fucked up yet. they play their roles and i GREATLY appreciate it. :)
Stuckfriend - Once you and you're BM/BD have decided that yall aren't gonna be together then, that's it. She/He is now your stuckfriend...and i say friend because no matter however long it takes, if yall are smart and prosperous people yall gonna come to some consensus on how things should be. but anyway, yall role is to gotdamn TAKE CARE OF THA MOTHERFUCKING BABBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYY! like, that's it! BUT NOOO, NIGGAS ALWAYS GOTTA FUCK UP: no, questions. no gotdamn, interrogations. nigga, if you ain talking about tha baby, then don't ask me what i'm doing, who i'm with. it' s NONE of your business. you had ample opportunity to gotdamn be in ANY of tha other categories, but you FUCKED ALLLLL of 'em up and now you're a gotdamn stuckfriend. play your ROLE. don't try to get back w/ him or her. don't try to smooth shit over ...just let tha past be tha past. accept what is NOW, and move tha fuck on with your life. like seriously. it's ...quite... necessary.
*The reason I know that there is a place and position in our lives for everyone we meet is because i've heard NUMEROUS stories about back in tha day when men and women had 15-20 kids ...having 2 separate families. ain nobody died. everybody got fed, why? cuz these bitches played their role. tha other woman/BM didn't try to impede and shit on tha significant other and her kids. The fuck friend/BD didn't try to wisk tha housewife/mother of 8 off to some carribean island in attempts to woo her. shit, marriages lasted longer, though things were fucked up and old people have hideous ways of coping and processing relationships and family, they played their motherfucking roles. like, fo'real.
*i also didn't include married couples, because either they crash and burn or turn into a fucking orgy. gross. if you marry someone, they'd better be from tha friend category. NO fuck ups, there. did you notice?
this shit is REALLY beginnning to piss me tha fuck off. There are a few DISTINCTIVE roles when interacting with a member of tha opposite sex [non-related.] There's significant other [gf, or bf.], fuck friend [only purposes are mild conversation and intense sexual intercourse, as seldom or as often as the RANGleader would like. usually tha girl..] friend, [it is EXACTLY that. a FRIENDship. nothing MORE. and NEVER anything LESS.], and stuckfriend [a general term, i use to describe tha horrid BM/BD relationship]...&tha OTHER woman/man [you already know.]
I'll explain EXACTLY what you should be doing if you ever find yourself in any of tha aforementioned categories and highlight how yall be FUCKING upppppp! [of course, this is from a female's point of view, but i'm sure some niggas gonna be able to feel me...cuz this shit is REAL!]
Significant Other- You're supposed to be THE best friend. there should be trust and respect from both people with an uncanny amount of understanding for each other's strengths, weaknesses and personality.
.....FUCK UP: when there's an argument or disagreement. niggas [not specifically males, just niggas meaning ppl..] like to act like they don't care. they want to act nonchalant and try to see who'll cave first. like, nigga. c'mon. if i'm supposed to be your girl/nigga then shit, we should be able to have a discussion and share opinions without motherfucking playing that 'tit for tat' bullshit. GROW UP! like, seriously. OR...yall cheat. start fucking other bitches like yall were just "fuck friends" not "significant others." ---idiots! play YOUR FUCKING ROLE, nigga. shit.
Fuck Friend - Firstly, EVERYONE needs to have at least one of these in their lifetime in order to get your freakiness together for whomever you end up being with. See, your fuck friend is there for you to just LET LOOSE sexually. you don't have to worry about obligations, appearances, responsibilites or commitments. [but i STRONGLY advise you to have an understanding with this friend that, yall gotta communicate about sexual history and other partners cuz we don't want nothing flaring up and shit. LITERALLY.] but after that's taken care of...it's SMOOTH sailing! until this nigga wanna... FUCK UP: when either party catches FEELINGS and starts trying to act like a significant other. like you got some kinda obligations to them. nigga, when i call, all i'm trying to do is fuck. i'm not trying to got damn, cuddle or talk about weather and shit. some bitches need to warm up and shit, but when i call, i'm ALREADY horny, so i don't need to have a conversation. shit! but yall wanna go to tha movies, or get mad when i find somebody that i wanna potential date or some shit. FUCK. PLAY YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ROLE, NIGGGGGA. SHIIIIIIIITTTTT!
Friend - Lots of ppl firmly believe that women and men can't be friends. but shit, one of my BEST FRIENDS FOR FUCKING LIFE is a guy and i wouldn't change that for tha ENTIRE WORLD. ever! ---friends are there to comfort and advise. converse, chill, party, laugh, cry...devulge, create, disagree, discuss and love. Friendship is the most beautiful thing in tha entire world, it's right up there, with childbirth and faith and i would never trade any of my TRUE friendships for anything. i only have a few...and they haven't fucked up yet. they play their roles and i GREATLY appreciate it. :)
Stuckfriend - Once you and you're BM/BD have decided that yall aren't gonna be together then, that's it. She/He is now your stuckfriend...and i say friend because no matter however long it takes, if yall are smart and prosperous people yall gonna come to some consensus on how things should be. but anyway, yall role is to gotdamn TAKE CARE OF THA MOTHERFUCKING BABBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYY! like, that's it! BUT NOOO, NIGGAS ALWAYS GOTTA FUCK UP: no, questions. no gotdamn, interrogations. nigga, if you ain talking about tha baby, then don't ask me what i'm doing, who i'm with. it' s NONE of your business. you had ample opportunity to gotdamn be in ANY of tha other categories, but you FUCKED ALLLLL of 'em up and now you're a gotdamn stuckfriend. play your ROLE. don't try to get back w/ him or her. don't try to smooth shit over ...just let tha past be tha past. accept what is NOW, and move tha fuck on with your life. like seriously. it's ...quite... necessary.
*The reason I know that there is a place and position in our lives for everyone we meet is because i've heard NUMEROUS stories about back in tha day when men and women had 15-20 kids ...having 2 separate families. ain nobody died. everybody got fed, why? cuz these bitches played their role. tha other woman/BM didn't try to impede and shit on tha significant other and her kids. The fuck friend/BD didn't try to wisk tha housewife/mother of 8 off to some carribean island in attempts to woo her. shit, marriages lasted longer, though things were fucked up and old people have hideous ways of coping and processing relationships and family, they played their motherfucking roles. like, fo'real.
*i also didn't include married couples, because either they crash and burn or turn into a fucking orgy. gross. if you marry someone, they'd better be from tha friend category. NO fuck ups, there. did you notice?
Monday, June 15, 2009
"I will EAT YOUR PUSSY...oh yeah, what's your name?"
umm. so i've been going doing a lot better when it comes to going out and relieving stress without going completely ape shit on my friends and family. but then i realize that apparently, tha game as changed in tha last ...i dunno. year or so. EVERY single guy that i end up exchanging numbers with ends up getting NO play because they always wanna tell me, how they wanna eat my pussy. and you know what, i love oral pleasure just as much as tha next bitch. and i absolutely LOVE when a man is confident in his abilities and can re-enforce it by continuous strokes of his mouth muscle..BUT damn, nigga! you wanna at least know my NAME first. like seriously.
this one guy i met. he was cool. we talked about sneakers for about 2hrs. about vintage cops. new shit. future must-haves and such. we had soo much in common and he could speak clearly, he made me laugh...nigga. check. check. and CHECK! i was almost intrigued until out of nowhere this fooly lou gon start telling me how he wants to eat my pussy. and how he knows i taste so good and his technique and all this wild crazy shit. i'm like...YOOOO, nigga. chill. he's like you wanna feel my tongue all over that pussy, don't you? i'm like NO. wtf? then he started moaning...RANDOMLY. *click* bitch, i'on got time for that bull ass shit. nigga, if you horny, take yo' ratchet ass to tha mutherfucking titty bar, or buy a fucking hooker! i'm not with that shit.
then ANOTHER separate occassion this nigga...walks up to me! on tha motherfucking PUBLIC ass street and this bitch..says...i'll EAT your pussy. WHAAAAAT???!!! are you on coke??! you don't even know my name. you don't even know if my shit is eatable. you just walking up to a random bitch cuz she sexy as all shit, in a gotdamn sundress looking super lux &lavi...and tell her you wanna eat her pussy??! is that tha NEW shit? that doesn't turn me on. A) not every nigga know how to eat a good pussy. some niggas be walking around here ...licking tha WRONG spot. gotdamn...nigga, learn tha anatomy of tha fucking vagina so you'll know what to look for when you get down there. B) umm, if your motherfucking breath is gotdamn arching my fantabulously marvelous ass eyebrows..nigga, like when you talk to me ...i look at you like you asking me a dumb ass question...then nigga, i don't want you NASTY gingivitis ass mouth on my clean ass, flowersy ass, fresh ass, pussy nigga. is you CRAZY!?
i mean i'm an avid believer in "one must give, to receive" and shit..but nigga. that's something intimate that you need to share with a bitch you trust. a bitch you know A) be washing and cleaning and nurtures her gotdamn pussy and B) that's not going around letting another motherfucker buss her shit down and then she come back to yo' ass looking for a licky licky! If you walk up to me, telling me how you wanna eat my pussy ...i'mma just assume that's how you approach every female and i'll be able to smell tha syphilis on your breath nigga. did yall know bacteria from tha mouth, which is tha filthiest place on tha human body can translate to UTI and other yeasty bacteria of tha vagina. How that look, you going to tha doctor to get treated cuz some nasty ass, ghetto, gold grill having ass motherfucker ate your pussy and now you got a motherfucking PUSSY INFECTION!? how you look? stupid. and nasty. that's how tha fuck you look.
but anywho. i'm ranting. but that shit really dumb my ass out. cuz i really couldn't understand why these niggas was trying to eat my pussy, randomly. like i was supposed to just be like, yeah nigga! and jump on his face.
so unattractive.
this one guy i met. he was cool. we talked about sneakers for about 2hrs. about vintage cops. new shit. future must-haves and such. we had soo much in common and he could speak clearly, he made me laugh...nigga. check. check. and CHECK! i was almost intrigued until out of nowhere this fooly lou gon start telling me how he wants to eat my pussy. and how he knows i taste so good and his technique and all this wild crazy shit. i'm like...YOOOO, nigga. chill. he's like you wanna feel my tongue all over that pussy, don't you? i'm like NO. wtf? then he started moaning...RANDOMLY. *click* bitch, i'on got time for that bull ass shit. nigga, if you horny, take yo' ratchet ass to tha mutherfucking titty bar, or buy a fucking hooker! i'm not with that shit.
then ANOTHER separate occassion this nigga...walks up to me! on tha motherfucking PUBLIC ass street and this bitch..says...i'll EAT your pussy. WHAAAAAT???!!! are you on coke??! you don't even know my name. you don't even know if my shit is eatable. you just walking up to a random bitch cuz she sexy as all shit, in a gotdamn sundress looking super lux &lavi...and tell her you wanna eat her pussy??! is that tha NEW shit? that doesn't turn me on. A) not every nigga know how to eat a good pussy. some niggas be walking around here ...licking tha WRONG spot. gotdamn...nigga, learn tha anatomy of tha fucking vagina so you'll know what to look for when you get down there. B) umm, if your motherfucking breath is gotdamn arching my fantabulously marvelous ass eyebrows..nigga, like when you talk to me ...i look at you like you asking me a dumb ass question...then nigga, i don't want you NASTY gingivitis ass mouth on my clean ass, flowersy ass, fresh ass, pussy nigga. is you CRAZY!?
i mean i'm an avid believer in "one must give, to receive" and shit..but nigga. that's something intimate that you need to share with a bitch you trust. a bitch you know A) be washing and cleaning and nurtures her gotdamn pussy and B) that's not going around letting another motherfucker buss her shit down and then she come back to yo' ass looking for a licky licky! If you walk up to me, telling me how you wanna eat my pussy ...i'mma just assume that's how you approach every female and i'll be able to smell tha syphilis on your breath nigga. did yall know bacteria from tha mouth, which is tha filthiest place on tha human body can translate to UTI and other yeasty bacteria of tha vagina. How that look, you going to tha doctor to get treated cuz some nasty ass, ghetto, gold grill having ass motherfucker ate your pussy and now you got a motherfucking PUSSY INFECTION!? how you look? stupid. and nasty. that's how tha fuck you look.
but anywho. i'm ranting. but that shit really dumb my ass out. cuz i really couldn't understand why these niggas was trying to eat my pussy, randomly. like i was supposed to just be like, yeah nigga! and jump on his face.
so unattractive.
Dear YOU,
Firstly, I'mma just touch on this rumor I heard today about Nivea be enpregos with Lil Wayne's bastard seed. Ugh. she's like BM #5 or some wild shit like that. but that really grinds my gears. if you wanna know how i feel in depth then just search or scroll for my blog about Lauren London and just switch her name out for Nivea's because i feel tha EXACT same way.
But anywho, so recently, i found out that YOU are actually coming and reading my blogs to learn and update yourself on my life happenings. and well, i hope you read this one, because it's SPECIFICALLY for YOU.
Dear YOU,
Look. You really shouldn't feel tha way you do about talking to me. You care entirely TOO much about what other people think about you. Other people including MY black ass. I'm not telling you to disregard my opinions or anything stupid like that, i'm just saying that i'm just as human as you are. i'm just as fallible, fickle and susceptible to change as YOU, as anybody else that's living and breathing and unable to control everything in their lives. I'm not really certain to how high of a degree you hold me to, but please don't make your expectations of me impossible for me to live up to. i'm not superwoman, i'm not emotionless. And as much of a nigga brain people like to assume i have, i AM a FEMALE. i do female shit. i react like a female to bullshit remarks and i have FEMALE tendencies that may make it hard for YOU as a MALE to say what you have to say, or do what you think needs to be done.
I would also like to apologize to you. I really had superhuman expectations of you for a very long time, i'm almost certain it contributed to our current state of being. i'm VERY fragile and sensitive, right now but i am strong enough to know that i was wrong in that aspect and owe you a sincere apology. I apologize. I am not tha same person you met over a year ago. I am not tha same person you saw tha last time we were face to face. I am not overtly different, but i have made changes in my way of thinking and processing that just makes me look at YOU, and everything else in a different light. it's not bad. it's just different.
so, you really tryin to do this shit.
"just do it."
but slowly. and effectively.
a solid foundation will create a pluthra of other opportunities.
tha love of your life,
But anywho, so recently, i found out that YOU are actually coming and reading my blogs to learn and update yourself on my life happenings. and well, i hope you read this one, because it's SPECIFICALLY for YOU.
Dear YOU,
Look. You really shouldn't feel tha way you do about talking to me. You care entirely TOO much about what other people think about you. Other people including MY black ass. I'm not telling you to disregard my opinions or anything stupid like that, i'm just saying that i'm just as human as you are. i'm just as fallible, fickle and susceptible to change as YOU, as anybody else that's living and breathing and unable to control everything in their lives. I'm not really certain to how high of a degree you hold me to, but please don't make your expectations of me impossible for me to live up to. i'm not superwoman, i'm not emotionless. And as much of a nigga brain people like to assume i have, i AM a FEMALE. i do female shit. i react like a female to bullshit remarks and i have FEMALE tendencies that may make it hard for YOU as a MALE to say what you have to say, or do what you think needs to be done.
I would also like to apologize to you. I really had superhuman expectations of you for a very long time, i'm almost certain it contributed to our current state of being. i'm VERY fragile and sensitive, right now but i am strong enough to know that i was wrong in that aspect and owe you a sincere apology. I apologize. I am not tha same person you met over a year ago. I am not tha same person you saw tha last time we were face to face. I am not overtly different, but i have made changes in my way of thinking and processing that just makes me look at YOU, and everything else in a different light. it's not bad. it's just different.
so, you really tryin to do this shit.
"just do it."
but slowly. and effectively.
a solid foundation will create a pluthra of other opportunities.
tha love of your life,
Friday, June 5, 2009
final destination: unknown...
yeah. so as, i'm trying feverishly to figure out tha features and basic workings of my newly downloaded BMP Studio program, i realize that i no longer have a final destination. i don't have an answer to that "what do you wanna be?" question anymore. and for some odd and slightly frightening reason, i'm not worried. :/
intially when i started school, i wanted to be a financial analyst and/or private financial advisor and let people pay me to tell them tha best way to spend their money. i thought it would be awesome, since i'm so grand at math it usually comes exceptionally easy to me. ---but then i got wind of tha horrendous ACCOUNTING classes that were required to get to tha even MORE HORRENDOUS finance classes. and then i actually MET a financial advisor, he said his work hours were varied between 45-70hrs/wk and his clients could contact him whenever, wherever. and he really didn't have a personal life. he was 28yrs old with a long time girlfriend that actually lived in another COUNTRY!!! so he really, didn't have a life outside of his job. and i talk too much to have a job like that. i need social interaction with other people on tha daily or i get really... mean, to say tha least.
then, i thought about it...i love to write. i love to express myself through words. i like to share my opinions on the world through my writing, hence this bad ass blog. :) ---so, i then decided that JOURNALISM was tha way to go. ahhh, yes. writing articles on music, fashion ...whatev i wanted and getting paid for it. AWESOME. and for some reason, tha salary for entry level writers sucked more than public school teachers and though, i want a job that i would LOVE waking up and going to every morning, i would also like to be able to support myself and my son. sheesh. lol.
so then it was PR. marketing and public relations. i have sooo much experience in these fields because that's ALL i did while i was in atlanta. promote, write, think, devise and market. on breaks, when i came back to charleston, my mom would bounce marketing ideas off of me and we would either come up with some kind of effective promo material or means of marketing whatev event, service and most recently, product to her target audience. i've done everything from passing out flyers at 3AM, to hosting parties and special events for my old college, to writing press releases for my moms company. i was doing a lot for very little to NO pay; but it was cool, cuz i REAALLY like it. ---then for some reason, unbeknownst to me at this time, i wanted to do radio. i wanted to get into radio and tv production.
BROADCAST journalism ...it is. and that's where i'm kinda at, right now. i'm allegedly taking classes this summer in radio/tv broadcasting... but it's not that i don't WANT to do it. it just seems...like FOREVER before i'll ever finish and i kind of want to start something now. Blame my impatience on tha microwave, instant messenger and text msgs. i'm a Generation Y'er. i can't help it. :/
i know SEVERAL college graduates who are UNEMPLOYED or not employed in tha field that spent 4+ years slaving for a degree in. marketing degrees. theatre degrees. sociology degrees. psychology degrees. history degrees. and NOBODY'S working where they want to work. so i'm thinking if i meet tha right person, and yall know i like talking to random people about any and everything then ...maybe i can just start at tha bottom and work my way ...to tha TOP! in tha meantime, i'll stay in school and acrue STUPID amounts of debt and pray that i can find a career that'll afford me a comfortable life and tha ability to pay off my loans.
solution: it's not about WHAT you know, it's about WHO you know!! so get to KNOW some-gotdamn-body! shit...
mixx dat!
intially when i started school, i wanted to be a financial analyst and/or private financial advisor and let people pay me to tell them tha best way to spend their money. i thought it would be awesome, since i'm so grand at math it usually comes exceptionally easy to me. ---but then i got wind of tha horrendous ACCOUNTING classes that were required to get to tha even MORE HORRENDOUS finance classes. and then i actually MET a financial advisor, he said his work hours were varied between 45-70hrs/wk and his clients could contact him whenever, wherever. and he really didn't have a personal life. he was 28yrs old with a long time girlfriend that actually lived in another COUNTRY!!! so he really, didn't have a life outside of his job. and i talk too much to have a job like that. i need social interaction with other people on tha daily or i get really... mean, to say tha least.
then, i thought about it...i love to write. i love to express myself through words. i like to share my opinions on the world through my writing, hence this bad ass blog. :) ---so, i then decided that JOURNALISM was tha way to go. ahhh, yes. writing articles on music, fashion ...whatev i wanted and getting paid for it. AWESOME. and for some reason, tha salary for entry level writers sucked more than public school teachers and though, i want a job that i would LOVE waking up and going to every morning, i would also like to be able to support myself and my son. sheesh. lol.
so then it was PR. marketing and public relations. i have sooo much experience in these fields because that's ALL i did while i was in atlanta. promote, write, think, devise and market. on breaks, when i came back to charleston, my mom would bounce marketing ideas off of me and we would either come up with some kind of effective promo material or means of marketing whatev event, service and most recently, product to her target audience. i've done everything from passing out flyers at 3AM, to hosting parties and special events for my old college, to writing press releases for my moms company. i was doing a lot for very little to NO pay; but it was cool, cuz i REAALLY like it. ---then for some reason, unbeknownst to me at this time, i wanted to do radio. i wanted to get into radio and tv production.
BROADCAST journalism ...it is. and that's where i'm kinda at, right now. i'm allegedly taking classes this summer in radio/tv broadcasting... but it's not that i don't WANT to do it. it just seems...like FOREVER before i'll ever finish and i kind of want to start something now. Blame my impatience on tha microwave, instant messenger and text msgs. i'm a Generation Y'er. i can't help it. :/
i know SEVERAL college graduates who are UNEMPLOYED or not employed in tha field that spent 4+ years slaving for a degree in. marketing degrees. theatre degrees. sociology degrees. psychology degrees. history degrees. and NOBODY'S working where they want to work. so i'm thinking if i meet tha right person, and yall know i like talking to random people about any and everything then ...maybe i can just start at tha bottom and work my way ...to tha TOP! in tha meantime, i'll stay in school and acrue STUPID amounts of debt and pray that i can find a career that'll afford me a comfortable life and tha ability to pay off my loans.
solution: it's not about WHAT you know, it's about WHO you know!! so get to KNOW some-gotdamn-body! shit...
mixx dat!
Thursday, June 4, 2009

omg. so. these are fucking FIRE! i HAVE to find these somewhere! lord...i'm not even a wolverine/x-men fan like that. [shouts to ife for updating my x-men knowledge] but these shits are SUPER savage. no pun intended! seriously... i like tha wolverine joints better than tha sabertooth AM95s...but i mean ...they both are kinda hot. tha detail on tha tongue is SOOO fucking sick. i love it!
gotta catch 'em all.
PINK monkeyyyyy....

okay. yall know i am sooo ANTI-"pink = girls" colorways on nikes. jordans...ANY pair of kicks for that matter. but yalll...FUCK. i think i partially climaxed when i ran acrossed these! these shits are SUPER fire. at least to me. tha fact that i'm walking around on pink pearls and they're one of my FAV retros of ALL time. it's RIDICULOUS because i'm such a fan or original colorways on AJs just because i like tha classic look on them. tha more practical, tha better is my motto. especially since this WACKY colorways on hybrids and tha god-awful 80s craze that's somehow STILL taking over tha latest trends...gRrr.
anyway...see for yourself.
Monday, June 1, 2009
vent session 2 - gRRrrr. something's gotta FUCKING give...
omg. so todays' JUNE 1st and i've been kinda waiting on this day for a LONG time. the reason being changed many times over the 6 months but, shit...it was STILL a day that i had marked on my fucking calendar. initially, i was gonna be moving back to georgia on this day, but shit ...yall already know that shit was a bust, and if i was being realistic, i would've known too. but it's whatev. sooo, anyway...
my most recent cause of excitement and anticipation for this day, is my first day of summer classes. my son's first day of school. and my intensive apartment hunt. because i'm a single mommy i get breaks on all these things and i was SUPERexcited about getting started. low-and be-motherfucking hold... i find out that i owe tha school like $400. but some stupid ass financial aide guy told me it was ALL paid for and that i WOULDN'T have a fucking balance. as, you ALL also know, i'm BROKE as FUCK. like seriously. i'm in a SUPERrecession within a recession! lol. but seriously, though. i don't have miscellaneous funds to just be giving to no fucking educational institution cuz they feel my family made too much money for me to need help paying for school. that's complete and utter bullshit and THIS is one of tha MAIN reasons why i believe SCHOOL IS FOR THA MOTHERFUCKING BIRRRRRRDS! like seriously. if i could find a full time job that paid decent enough, i'd quit. and work for a little while until my son got older and i would join tha fucking air force. real shit. ---actually, while yall sleeping i might join that bitch in tha fall, if i'm still this fucking pissed off about my life. but anywho...after, i find that shit out...
i get lonely cuz my baby boo boo is at motherfucking preschool making new drooly baby friends while i'm here about to pull my fucking hair out. shit. i wish i was an infant. they just be chillin. smiling. pooping. and eating. tha LIFE. sheesh. but anywho...onto my "intensive apartment search" so i'm looking up apartment complexes that assist single parents with low income. not tha projects, but tax credit housing, they get BIG ass tax breaks for letting broke people pay a certain portion of their income for rent. BUT...little did i know that EVERY motherfucker is broke. all i needed was a fucking 2 bedroom. these bitches gon either tell me they're NOT accepting applications, they don't have any vacancies or all they have are 3 and bedrooms! i'm like COME OOOOON! if yall knew my situation, living with my mom, is HELL. not like your regular run of tha mill, SATAN with horns and a pitchfork and fire and shit hell. naw, this shit is like...a fucking ...UGH! TORTURE. imagine waking up every morning with NO eyelids. and in every direction is tha SUN! and it goes down at random times but it also raises more often and more random than it sets. and EVERYTIME tha sun burns your unprotected eyeballs, someone comes by and SLAPS tha piss outta you. like ...they slap you so hard you PEE. so you're walking around trying to hide from tha sun AND you smell like piss. that's my life. everyday.
if those fucking housing people knew that, i'm ALMOST certain they'd fucking give me an apartment, furnished with a plasma TV and a fucking JACUZZI. ugh! but anyway, so now, i'm stuck. i think i might talk to my mom and see if she can pay tha rest of my shitty ass tuition. i have NO idea what i'm gonna do about tha apartment. and my baby STILL is in fucking daycare! lord, save my soul because my mind and body are sinful. =/
i just want someone to come get us. and take us FARRR away. i think i'd like Virginia. or Texas. maybe even florida, if we find tha right part. i just want to get away from EVERYONE here. and in georgia. [except harry.] word. honestly, most of tha time mason and harry are my only motivation to get shit done. because they both give me strength and renew my faith in hardwork. but anywho...
i'm done.
vent session 2 complete.
my most recent cause of excitement and anticipation for this day, is my first day of summer classes. my son's first day of school. and my intensive apartment hunt. because i'm a single mommy i get breaks on all these things and i was SUPERexcited about getting started. low-and be-motherfucking hold... i find out that i owe tha school like $400. but some stupid ass financial aide guy told me it was ALL paid for and that i WOULDN'T have a fucking balance. as, you ALL also know, i'm BROKE as FUCK. like seriously. i'm in a SUPERrecession within a recession! lol. but seriously, though. i don't have miscellaneous funds to just be giving to no fucking educational institution cuz they feel my family made too much money for me to need help paying for school. that's complete and utter bullshit and THIS is one of tha MAIN reasons why i believe SCHOOL IS FOR THA MOTHERFUCKING BIRRRRRRDS! like seriously. if i could find a full time job that paid decent enough, i'd quit. and work for a little while until my son got older and i would join tha fucking air force. real shit. ---actually, while yall sleeping i might join that bitch in tha fall, if i'm still this fucking pissed off about my life. but anywho...after, i find that shit out...
i get lonely cuz my baby boo boo is at motherfucking preschool making new drooly baby friends while i'm here about to pull my fucking hair out. shit. i wish i was an infant. they just be chillin. smiling. pooping. and eating. tha LIFE. sheesh. but anywho...onto my "intensive apartment search" so i'm looking up apartment complexes that assist single parents with low income. not tha projects, but tax credit housing, they get BIG ass tax breaks for letting broke people pay a certain portion of their income for rent. BUT...little did i know that EVERY motherfucker is broke. all i needed was a fucking 2 bedroom. these bitches gon either tell me they're NOT accepting applications, they don't have any vacancies or all they have are 3 and bedrooms! i'm like COME OOOOON! if yall knew my situation, living with my mom, is HELL. not like your regular run of tha mill, SATAN with horns and a pitchfork and fire and shit hell. naw, this shit is like...a fucking ...UGH! TORTURE. imagine waking up every morning with NO eyelids. and in every direction is tha SUN! and it goes down at random times but it also raises more often and more random than it sets. and EVERYTIME tha sun burns your unprotected eyeballs, someone comes by and SLAPS tha piss outta you. like ...they slap you so hard you PEE. so you're walking around trying to hide from tha sun AND you smell like piss. that's my life. everyday.
if those fucking housing people knew that, i'm ALMOST certain they'd fucking give me an apartment, furnished with a plasma TV and a fucking JACUZZI. ugh! but anyway, so now, i'm stuck. i think i might talk to my mom and see if she can pay tha rest of my shitty ass tuition. i have NO idea what i'm gonna do about tha apartment. and my baby STILL is in fucking daycare! lord, save my soul because my mind and body are sinful. =/
i just want someone to come get us. and take us FARRR away. i think i'd like Virginia. or Texas. maybe even florida, if we find tha right part. i just want to get away from EVERYONE here. and in georgia. [except harry.] word. honestly, most of tha time mason and harry are my only motivation to get shit done. because they both give me strength and renew my faith in hardwork. but anywho...
i'm done.
vent session 2 complete.
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