I initially was gonna entitle this BLACK females get ya shit together BUT... Today i saw abt 3 other ethnicities tht looked utterly ratchet and have revised my pointers to include ALL females, because every society is carried on tha backs and in tha wombs of its women and we are severely underappreciated.
#1-shave. I'm not saying you gotta removed all tha hair on your body, but PLEASE ladies... In the name of little baby jesus &lebron james, shave your armpits and legs! I mean if you like your vag to look like a baby kitten then so be it, because i cant see it &haven't tha slightest inclination to do so. But it's gross for you to have longer armpit hairs than your man &for your legs to look like you got wool knit socks year-round!
#2-skin care. Ladies, please exfoliate. If you dont knw what that means, google it &then begin. Immediately! Get shower gel w/ tha little exfoliating beads, a facial scrub and pumice for your feet. Your skin is an organ. Since it's constantly exposed to tha sun, it dries out and your basically walked around with dead skin cells on tha surface. Those dead cells can clog your pores, along with dirt, oil &sweat and you end up looking like "who shot john &forgot to kill him!" exfoliating lifts and removes dead skin and reveals tha soft new skin underneath &it also allows your skin to breath &soak up tha moisturizers in your lotion, baby oil gel or whtevr you use to keep your skin from looking like fish scales! Use sunscreen. black, white, indian, piganese. Skin cancer does NOT discriminate. PLEASE..love your skin!
#3-hair! - lord, please help me with this one! Ladies, yall need to either go ahead and cut it all off (it's hair, if kept healthy, it'll grow bck!), get sum braids (age-approriate), weave it up...whtev! Just go ahead &pay somebody to do your hair! Please dont walk around with your hair coarse as hell, with silky yaki tracks &have tha AUDACITY to do curl tha weave &hair flip on another female! C'mon! Get it together. Yall really be cheating yourselves when yall want to cut tha necessary corners, just becuz you dnt want to pay somebody. I'm not saying you have to spends ridiculous amounts of money on your hair, but i've seen too many females w/ cute faces &jst look atrotious bcuz her hair ain fix...
#4- fashion. You KNOW you're body. You know what's comfy on you. When you go shopping, it is the associates job in tha store to assist you with your purchase. Ask them for YOUR size. Not tha size you USED to be or "gettin ready already supposed" be. If you're plus sized, boo. You gotta shop where tha plus-sizes are! They make fantabulous clothes for women of tha big persuasion! They make professional, special occasion, formal, casual and appropriate club clothes for all HUMAN sizes. If you're tha size of a baby elephant then you need medical attention &should be focusing on your health more so than trying to squeeze your asses into some leather footless leggings. Please &thanks. Good quality clothes are not usually cheap in department stores. Save your money up &buy good quality clothes (not gonna name drop because yall know what will fall apart in tha wash &wht will stay tha same color &size after 1, 5 or even 20 wears/washes.) &if you absolutely cannot afford brand new good quality clothes, find consignment or thrift stores in your area. Good clothes at LESS than reasonable prices! But most importantly, find what fits your body structure, shape and what compliments your assets. Find clothes that you are comfortable and confident in that expresses your individual style but doesn't make you look like you escaped from prison and that was all you could find.
Invest in yourself, ladies. You will not find happiness, if you are not, first, happy with yourself &that includes physical appearance.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mr. Okie Doke.

you guys should hit him up on TWITTER &wish him a VERY happy birthday. he may or may not say "thank you." but it's tha thought &effort that counts. :)
Have a SAFE and WONDERFUL 75th Birthday...
Yours Truly [not really.],
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Nikeface Confesses...
Yeah, so...
I'd like to think that i'm grouped with the least judgemental people in world, primarily because i like to try new things, meet new people and i'm kinda eccentric when comes to fashion and music. But lately, I've been finding myself grouping people, judging and stereotyping, especially men in &around my age range into categories solely on brief conservation and observation.
16-22yrs. old- It seems to me that this age range shuns responsibilities, selfishness is rampant and respect seems to be the last thing on the list, in regards to themselves and others. I'm NOT saying that i expect every 16yr old male to be able to pay bills on time and support themselves as men. Why? Because though, their anatomy may exude that of a very well built specimen of the male gender, his brain and maturity level is still down and around ...umm, 8th or 9th grade. BUT, I DO expect 16-22yr olds to at least have a JOB! I'm tired of young men waiting until they are shoved into the real world, either by uncontrollable circumstance or by the frustration of whomever takes care of them, to begin to learn how to take responsibility for themselves! Get a job. It feels good to have your own money. To be able to buy meaningless things &flaunt your little piece of change when other jobless adolescents don't have it. By the age of 22, a young man should be able to keep a job. This not only shows that you understand the value of a dollar, it also shows commitment! There a few people, &even less teenagers and young adults, that actually love or even like their jobs. So, if a young man as been working somewhere for a year or more, and maybe even received a raise or promotion then that ATTRACTS females. Ain nobody lookin' for your money, fool! We just like that fact that you are dependable, committed and have tolerance for what is necessary.
22-27yrs/hell, maybe even 28! - these is the age range where we start to define who's a man and who isn't. It maybe hard to tell the difference to the untrained eye or unbroken heart, because these men have played the game, many, many, many times especially those college grads. They've experienced different females and have confidence in their "game" that they can "get" any girl. ---it's sad, though. At this age, some men have YET to experience true responsibility and even more have experienced it, didn't like it and washed their hands of it. At the age of 24, one should have long-term goals! Career-wise, relationships, family, life! I get really frustrated with this age range because there are so many BASIC characteristics that a man in his mid to late-20s should have developed ALREADY! When i say BASIC ...i mean BASIC. Like self-respect, a sense of honesty and compassion towards others. Unfortunately, there are STILL 26 yr old men that think it's imperative that they sleep with a different girl every night and openly express disdain and a needlessness for monogamy, respect for women or trust. I'm not saying that every 26yr old should be in a long-term relationship, i'm just saying that "pimping" IS dead and man-whores are often looked at as depressed, scared little boys that rather sleep around than find out that they aren't much of anything &dont possess the qualities that a WOMAN would/could appreciate. ZERO self-respect. ZERO self-worth. ZERO self-confidence. (well, no REAL confidence because NOW, i can see through the bullshit!) If a guy hasn't developed tha necessary basic characteristics and have JUST started to realize how real LIFE is, we end up with single mothers, fatherless children, broken homes and irreparable relationships. Many men have lost utterly outstanding women because they were unable to show compassion, appreciation and respect for her. (TRUST. I know more than a little bit. Smh.)
29+ SADLY, i still hear stories about men at this age that STILL don't understand who they are, and aren't making haste to do so. Men that really think as long as THEY are happy, no one else really matters. Married men, "committed" relationshipees, etc. At this point, it's just pathetic and many women feel they must settle because if a man is in his 30s and lies, cheats and disrespects everyone in order to maintain his "happiness" then there's not much to life. &that's a lie. But i completely understand.
I didnt write this male bash, because i know several exceptional men. No, they aren't perfect but they are growing. And growth is key. And NOTICEABLE growth is even better. When you haven't spoken to someone in a while and when you do, he has made improvements after advancements, sacrifices after disappointments, and continues to put one foot in front of the other everyday to become a better person, brother, friend, son, whatever; it's beautiful. And as a female, i definitely notice these things. And most of all i definitely appreciate them. Though, i'd never date these guys BUT whomever ends up with any one of them, is to be a lucky duck! So, to all you fellas doing your thing, taking care of your responsibilites, living your life, i wish you MUCH success and love because behind every successful man is beautiful, supportive, and strong woman.
I'd like to think that i'm grouped with the least judgemental people in world, primarily because i like to try new things, meet new people and i'm kinda eccentric when comes to fashion and music. But lately, I've been finding myself grouping people, judging and stereotyping, especially men in &around my age range into categories solely on brief conservation and observation.
16-22yrs. old- It seems to me that this age range shuns responsibilities, selfishness is rampant and respect seems to be the last thing on the list, in regards to themselves and others. I'm NOT saying that i expect every 16yr old male to be able to pay bills on time and support themselves as men. Why? Because though, their anatomy may exude that of a very well built specimen of the male gender, his brain and maturity level is still down and around ...umm, 8th or 9th grade. BUT, I DO expect 16-22yr olds to at least have a JOB! I'm tired of young men waiting until they are shoved into the real world, either by uncontrollable circumstance or by the frustration of whomever takes care of them, to begin to learn how to take responsibility for themselves! Get a job. It feels good to have your own money. To be able to buy meaningless things &flaunt your little piece of change when other jobless adolescents don't have it. By the age of 22, a young man should be able to keep a job. This not only shows that you understand the value of a dollar, it also shows commitment! There a few people, &even less teenagers and young adults, that actually love or even like their jobs. So, if a young man as been working somewhere for a year or more, and maybe even received a raise or promotion then that ATTRACTS females. Ain nobody lookin' for your money, fool! We just like that fact that you are dependable, committed and have tolerance for what is necessary.
22-27yrs/hell, maybe even 28! - these is the age range where we start to define who's a man and who isn't. It maybe hard to tell the difference to the untrained eye or unbroken heart, because these men have played the game, many, many, many times especially those college grads. They've experienced different females and have confidence in their "game" that they can "get" any girl. ---it's sad, though. At this age, some men have YET to experience true responsibility and even more have experienced it, didn't like it and washed their hands of it. At the age of 24, one should have long-term goals! Career-wise, relationships, family, life! I get really frustrated with this age range because there are so many BASIC characteristics that a man in his mid to late-20s should have developed ALREADY! When i say BASIC ...i mean BASIC. Like self-respect, a sense of honesty and compassion towards others. Unfortunately, there are STILL 26 yr old men that think it's imperative that they sleep with a different girl every night and openly express disdain and a needlessness for monogamy, respect for women or trust. I'm not saying that every 26yr old should be in a long-term relationship, i'm just saying that "pimping" IS dead and man-whores are often looked at as depressed, scared little boys that rather sleep around than find out that they aren't much of anything &dont possess the qualities that a WOMAN would/could appreciate. ZERO self-respect. ZERO self-worth. ZERO self-confidence. (well, no REAL confidence because NOW, i can see through the bullshit!) If a guy hasn't developed tha necessary basic characteristics and have JUST started to realize how real LIFE is, we end up with single mothers, fatherless children, broken homes and irreparable relationships. Many men have lost utterly outstanding women because they were unable to show compassion, appreciation and respect for her. (TRUST. I know more than a little bit. Smh.)
29+ SADLY, i still hear stories about men at this age that STILL don't understand who they are, and aren't making haste to do so. Men that really think as long as THEY are happy, no one else really matters. Married men, "committed" relationshipees, etc. At this point, it's just pathetic and many women feel they must settle because if a man is in his 30s and lies, cheats and disrespects everyone in order to maintain his "happiness" then there's not much to life. &that's a lie. But i completely understand.
I didnt write this male bash, because i know several exceptional men. No, they aren't perfect but they are growing. And growth is key. And NOTICEABLE growth is even better. When you haven't spoken to someone in a while and when you do, he has made improvements after advancements, sacrifices after disappointments, and continues to put one foot in front of the other everyday to become a better person, brother, friend, son, whatever; it's beautiful. And as a female, i definitely notice these things. And most of all i definitely appreciate them. Though, i'd never date these guys BUT whomever ends up with any one of them, is to be a lucky duck! So, to all you fellas doing your thing, taking care of your responsibilites, living your life, i wish you MUCH success and love because behind every successful man is beautiful, supportive, and strong woman.
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