There are many things necessary for a relationship to fundamentally work. Along with all that lovey, dovey stuff, there is a physical attraction that must exist for any relationship to be healthy and function properly. I have learned over the years that head is necessary for a relationship to work. Not saying that if you give your partner oral sex then she/he will never leave you, I'm just saying that if everything else is going great in your relationship and you don't give head &your partner finds someone who will, [they don't even have to be good at it] she/he will cheat on you.
I know those of you that may love your mate but for some odd reason aren't incorporating oral sex into your sexual repertoire should be taking heed to my direction. I am not claiming to be the love doctor and once again, I am not saying that head will save your relationship but I am saying that it always makes your mate feel better. A lot of fellas complain about how bad the oral sex from their girlfriends, wives, friend with benefits, etc. is, but since most females don't know how to make THEMSELVES orgasm they dont know that they have the liberty to complain and bash his horrid abilities to perform the notorious act of cunniligus. I'll tell you a secret and I only know this because I came in contact with a man that literally made my toes curl & I had to figure out what in the SAM HELL he was doing to me. So, I watched him! Though, sometimes my vision would get blurred and I'd be screaming so loud that concentrating on his technique was almost impossible; I figured out exactly what he was doing and by golly it was simple! Know your anatomy, fellas! The clitoris is sensitive and becomes even more so, once you make it "hard." So find it &get to work! Don't be alarmed, if she grabs your head &completely smothers you against her vagina &is no longer making those squeaky-"I'm trying to sound like a pornstar"-noises because she was probably faking anyway. Keep going even if her pelvis is vibrating violently and she won't keep still. That means you're doing it right. If you don't know what I'm talking about...you better get to practicing. Tell her Ms. "Luxurious &Oh So Lavish" sent ya!
Ladies, giving a man head is NOT rocket science. Men are such primal creatures that you don't have to do much to get them in the mood. Some men don't require it of their long-time mates to perform oral sex and those are the most unhappy. A happy man is a well-sucked off man &don't we just love happy men? There are just a couple of basics that can get you on your way to a happier, healthier relationship. Firstly, no teeth [until you get talented enough to use them properly. yes, felattio is a talent! not everyone can do it. some people are naturals and others will always have a mediocre performance.] There's an area on the backside of the penis, where the head and shaft meet that is uber sensitive...make that your point of reference and try to touch it as often as possible. NO DEEP-THROATING, unless you know what you're doing. *TIP* Take a deep breath through your nose and take his penis a little further than usual. The deep breath lowers your soft palette and allows "deep-throating." This takes practice, preferably when you're not drunk or have just eaten! But if you're not trying to throw up on his man muscle but want to have the same effect, let his penis hit the inside of your cheek. This sensation makes him think he's hit the abyss &you get to keep your lunch down, just make sure...NO TEETH. haha! They hate that. Also, if you're not down with that whole swallowing thing, don't let him ejaculate in your mouth. If you feel some type of way about having semen & his kids all in your oral cavity, do a quick "let me know when..." &if he doesn't &nuts in your mouth anyway...you have the right to reserve sexual contact indefinitely. Lastly, practice PRACTICE practice!
One thing I think that is just as important as GIVING head is that the recipient HAS TO MAKE THE GIVER feel SEXY while doing it. Don't say anything like "yeah, bitch suck my fucking dick!" or "Nigga, you better eat this pussy or i'mma call your momma!" You have to make your mate feel like that you appreciate their effort. If they aren't doing it right and it doesn't feel like it should, guide them...sexually. Teach them what you like. Communication is key in a good relationship and works wonders during sex.
I know those of you that may love your mate but for some odd reason aren't incorporating oral sex into your sexual repertoire should be taking heed to my direction. I am not claiming to be the love doctor and once again, I am not saying that head will save your relationship but I am saying that it always makes your mate feel better. A lot of fellas complain about how bad the oral sex from their girlfriends, wives, friend with benefits, etc. is, but since most females don't know how to make THEMSELVES orgasm they dont know that they have the liberty to complain and bash his horrid abilities to perform the notorious act of cunniligus. I'll tell you a secret and I only know this because I came in contact with a man that literally made my toes curl & I had to figure out what in the SAM HELL he was doing to me. So, I watched him! Though, sometimes my vision would get blurred and I'd be screaming so loud that concentrating on his technique was almost impossible; I figured out exactly what he was doing and by golly it was simple! Know your anatomy, fellas! The clitoris is sensitive and becomes even more so, once you make it "hard." So find it &get to work! Don't be alarmed, if she grabs your head &completely smothers you against her vagina &is no longer making those squeaky-"I'm trying to sound like a pornstar"-noises because she was probably faking anyway. Keep going even if her pelvis is vibrating violently and she won't keep still. That means you're doing it right. If you don't know what I'm talking about...you better get to practicing. Tell her Ms. "Luxurious &Oh So Lavish" sent ya!
Ladies, giving a man head is NOT rocket science. Men are such primal creatures that you don't have to do much to get them in the mood. Some men don't require it of their long-time mates to perform oral sex and those are the most unhappy. A happy man is a well-sucked off man &don't we just love happy men? There are just a couple of basics that can get you on your way to a happier, healthier relationship. Firstly, no teeth [until you get talented enough to use them properly. yes, felattio is a talent! not everyone can do it. some people are naturals and others will always have a mediocre performance.] There's an area on the backside of the penis, where the head and shaft meet that is uber sensitive...make that your point of reference and try to touch it as often as possible. NO DEEP-THROATING, unless you know what you're doing. *TIP* Take a deep breath through your nose and take his penis a little further than usual. The deep breath lowers your soft palette and allows "deep-throating." This takes practice, preferably when you're not drunk or have just eaten! But if you're not trying to throw up on his man muscle but want to have the same effect, let his penis hit the inside of your cheek. This sensation makes him think he's hit the abyss &you get to keep your lunch down, just make sure...NO TEETH. haha! They hate that. Also, if you're not down with that whole swallowing thing, don't let him ejaculate in your mouth. If you feel some type of way about having semen & his kids all in your oral cavity, do a quick "let me know when..." &if he doesn't &nuts in your mouth anyway...you have the right to reserve sexual contact indefinitely. Lastly, practice PRACTICE practice!
One thing I think that is just as important as GIVING head is that the recipient HAS TO MAKE THE GIVER feel SEXY while doing it. Don't say anything like "yeah, bitch suck my fucking dick!" or "Nigga, you better eat this pussy or i'mma call your momma!" You have to make your mate feel like that you appreciate their effort. If they aren't doing it right and it doesn't feel like it should, guide them...sexually. Teach them what you like. Communication is key in a good relationship and works wonders during sex.
head is the best, is a big key in a relationship.