It seems today, all we see, is reality competition, reality drama basically bullshit on television. And like most people it's kind of hard for me to admit which ones ENTERTAIN me and which ones I think are complete crocks of frog piss. In actuality, they're all platforms for entrance into the infamous "industry." But where to do draw the line between "Reality TV" and REAL shit?
Prime example, we all know that every show has that clause that there is absolutely NO VIOLENCE and if some disregards this clause they are immediately kicked off of the show. Bad Girls Club Season 3 [BGC3]has been one of the least bareable reality shows to watch primarily because the whole ALPHA female, "i run shit," don't give a fuck attitude is a little to much for me to handle. It's always the same thing, the black girl, IF there is one is your stereotypical BITCH, loud, obnoxious, strong, and usually gains a few if not ALL the other girls as little mignons doing her dirty work and gasing her EGOtrain. And that pisses me off. There's always a white girl who tries to outdo the black girl and either gets her ass beat or they become really close friends; "if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em" type shit. But anywho...
Back to my original purpose for blogging: the LINE between Reality and Real Shit. So yesterday, I saw the newest episode of the BGC3. Quick synopsis to get those less interested in this particular reality show [cuz we ALL have our favs.]---the girls are on a trip to CANCUN, MEXICO! &they're all pretty much separated into groups. the "fab/fake 5" and the AMBERS. Personally, the "Fab/Fake 5" shit can go! and the AMBERS are just ditzy ass blonde bitches that wanna have a good time. that's about 85% of white girls between the ages of 16-25. So it's cool. I'd be used to it. But ANYWHO... so they're all having fun at first, they kinda put their differences aside in lue of this WONDERFUL free ass vacation to CANCUN and shit. ---so LONG story short [so, i can get to my response.]: Tiff tha ONLY black bitch left gets embarassed by the host on stage. She wants to fight. the OTHER mignons want to FLEX hard and pretend they want to fight. one of the AMBERs the most ditzy and air-headed one of the duo [Amber M.], is LIT as fuck; jiggin' her little white ass off on stage in tha club on VACATION in CANCUN and shit. so Ms. Amber M. discovers that all the other bitches are outside and she goes to see what the fuck is REALLY going on and shit. &of course they ALL get into. next thing you know...these bitches JUMP tha white bitch on TV. &wild part about it is, one OTHER white bitch kicked Amber M. in tha FACE, my nigga! that shit pissed me off. Then ANOTHER white bitch [if you ain black or brown, you're white. i'm sorry. i'm colorblind.] kicks tha Amber M. AGAIN! ---ok so, la-di-daaaa, police come and shit. They kick tha FIRST kicking ass white bitch off. &the other WHITEbitch that kicked tha girl was bragging and shit about it...[that's all that needs to be said. i'm ready to respond..haha.]
My response: See, i don't give a FUCK what kinda fascade a bitch is trying to portray to be considered a "bad girl" so she can be casted on some bullshit ass show, if you kick me in my face while i'm down on the ground and other bitches are on top of me...i'mma MURK yo' ass! i'mma fuck you ALL tha way up. see that's when tha line is CROSSED. reality TV becomes REAL shit and some of little celebrantes REALLY can't handle themselves when they're in some REAL shit. You gon' sit up here and brag about how you sucker-kicked a dingy ass white broad and think tha shit is cool. Nobody likes tha nigga that picks on tha little kids. Nobody respects the bitch with no balls. I think people get too involved in this TV shit. And they fail to realize that there is a LINE that you shouldn't and cross. because then it goes from being entertaining reality TV to to just reality and can result in somebody REALLY getting their ass severely trashed, arrested or worst...
solution: put a BAD BITCH in tha bad girls club & see those fuckers do!
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