Sooo, i'm not an avid The View viewer and i'm def proud of it because those bitches love some damn scandalous ass siutations. But i'm with tha BD &masey laying in bed &shit &I can't find tha remote &shit so i'm watching. But anyway...don't you think Barbara Walters looks like tha Cryptkeeper from Tales from tha Crypt. Her hair's all thin and her skin is transluscent. I'm almost certain she's tha stunt double for the Cryptkeeper. Can't she retire? She's gonna traumatize people when one of her limbs fall off due to severely advanced decay.
Ps. Keyshia cole's performance sucked. She was off key for the first half of tha song &she had these autrocious grandma curls! Just because you found some money &Jesus doesn't mean you get your hair in a Roller Set and not comb it out like tha Deaconess, Head Trustee, First Elder of the missionary board. Damn, bitch. Step yo'appearance game up, nigga.
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