Monday, March 22, 2010

...what's that thing called that slithers around on it's belly and can move relatively undetected until it's ready to unlock it's jaws and devour its prey...? Umm. RIGHT. a SNAKE. if you think about it there are so many people in life that progress with this attitude. like snakes in tha grass, they slither around until they find someone they want to attack and they do so. these types of people need to be shoot, gutted and put on public display. i'm not saying that with everyone you meet you must befriend them, but at least show some type of respect.

i hate people with this slick shit attitude. i try to keep myself far away from people that exude any snake-like characteristics because i have an awfully bad temper and i'm prone to fuck somebody's life ALL tha way up. ---as we get older, we learn to pin point liars, cheaters and snakes better than when we were young and naive. but there's always going to be someone that slips beneath your radar and ends up snapping at you. And sadly, that's life. I just know that if i EVER catch a snake in my grass, i'm KILLING it.



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