Monday, April 20, 2009


so, today's 4/20 . [or yesterday's 1:24am]
this day is significant to me in several ways. &i just thought i'd share with you, guys.

#1-ganja day. from tha sunny halls of buist academy to tha smoked out bathrooms of tha Georgia State University Commons, this day has always been tha day of the smoker. &but i suppose i've started a new tradition and that is NOT smoking. ---today. starting today, i am no longer your ganja empress. ---i'm sober suzzy. so suck on that JOB RECRUITERS and probation officers. i PASS!

#2-it's been a year today, that i lost my beloved lexus es300. Luna. She was a bad bitch, i fought for her tooth and nail and treated her like i birthed her myself. on this day, a year ago, i got into a fucked up ass accident and tha right front axel of my car was broken and my front driver side door was badly damaged. I cried my eyes out for i KNEW that i would NEVER see her again. I would never get her back. and of course, i was right. though she got repaired and the mechanic got paid his $1500. ---an unplanned series of events made the mechanic either upset or overly idiotic and he ended up selling it. so there's someone driving around in my LUNA. my lovely LUNA. &just to let you know, it's now considered stolen property. The mechanic is going to be sued and arrested for taking my parents' money and selling the vehicle without their or my knowledge. hopefully, i'll get the value of the vehicle, if not tha vehicle itself, and the money my parents paid to get it repaired. oh, &note to whomever bought it. you're now in possession of stolen property and you TOO can be jailed. haha.

#3-today would've been the 1yr anniversary of ....well, if you don't know then you don't need to know. to be with someone for an extended period of time is a commitment of grandeur. and BOTH parties must be able to withstand and uphold through the test of time. to me, it's not a rare feat for me to accomplish, being with someone for a year, but nevertheless, this day i kinda feel that i've failed, because we aren't together. of my OWN decision, we aren't. ---i KNOW exactly what i want out of a relationship and i'm at a point in my life where i'm tired of trying to build, mold or create the kind of man, i want to spend years of my life with. i don't want to date the man that "can be", i want tha man that "is" we can go on and start living happily ever after.

so it seems in the wee hours of the morning, i have had some sort of epiphany and have made some new changes in my life. so ONWARD with change and growth. I'm letting go of what was, and encouraging EVERYTHING that can be. i'm proud to say that i'm actually learning from my mistakes. i'm trying to correct them. it's just going to take time. LOTS of time. Nothing happens overnight...and "everything happens for a reason, babygirl." ---you'll always be in heart. you should call me sometime...[ss].

ANYWHO i hope everyone enjoyed their 4/20, whether they celebrated for the well-known reason or just because you're happy to be alive another day. Keep your head up and mind open cause who tha fuck knows what's in store for us.

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