Monday, April 20, 2009

OH lawwwdyyyy...

for those of you that don't pray. START. ---it doesn't have to be to God, Jesus, Allah, etc. Everyone has faith in SOMETHING. you can claim to be whatever tha fuck, but EVERYBODY believes in SOMETHING. unless you're clinically insane, like this one woman i know... who believes whatever she can dream up. sad, really. ---but anywho...

yeah, so i haven't been on this thing in a minute because my internet access is rather limited to say tha least. my current living situation has caused me to take a step back and concentrate on what's REALLY important. &that's getting MYSELF together. or at least, making a mindful and VERY conscience effort to go so, with minimal to NO assistance. doing what i gotta to get where i wanna... be. or some shit like that. ummm, let's see, so i did my lil'MAXIM shoot for the Hometown Hotties contest and i HATE the pictures. i ABSOLUTELY HATE them! i think my first photographer in ATLANTA, spoiled me...&now i'm used to tha good shit and now, that i get this second rate shit, i'm PISSED. i'm not submitting this shit to no GOTdamned MAXIM. fuck no! i gotta be confident in my shit. i MEAN...i look good, but shit...some shit REALLY needs to be airbrushed that FUCK out. like tha hole where my monroe mole used to be. just little shit like that. but anywho...i'll find somebody to fix that shit...OR i'll just save tha pictures and get 'em re-edited and print 'em for my portfolio. [i'm so wishy washy when it comes to this modeling shit. sometimes, i wanna do it. other times, it's less than a hobby.]

but umm, ---that's what tha fuck i've been doing. i'm looking for a car, if anyone knows anyone who's selling. YES. i've been on craigslist. YES. i've looked in tha paper. NO. i haven't been to a used car place and NO. i haven't been to the auction. GAAAH! ---i know i was supposed to start making videos and shit for this site, but like i said got sidetracked by life and shit.

---hence why i no longer have a FACEBOOK. sorry, i've gotten rather "threatenering letteras" from some friends [bb. cl.] urging me to return to facebook. but i'll do that when i have something to share. &right now, my life's pretty mundane so visiting my page numerous times a day to catch on my life happenings becomes kinda pointless and boring! I'll come back when i have something to entertain you fools with. lol.

so, once again. sorry for not being available. but shit. a nigga is soul searching...or job hunting w/e tha fuck you wanna call it. lol.

pce. bitches.

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